
الأربعاء، 17 يناير 2024

How to benefit others and yourself through gardening

 How to benefit others and yourself through gardening 

What are the benefits of organic gardening besides growing a nicer garden, eating better vegetables and fruits? In fact, there are more unique benefits than most people and organic gardeners realize. This article explains the additional benefits and offers some inspiring ideas that may surprise you. 

Did you know that you can feed children around the world by gardening? “How  the hell is that possible?"Just ask. It's that simple, less planning and doing." 

Once you start planning your own natural garden, it's time to plan  a bigger garden. It doesn't matter if your garden is decorated with flowers, vegetables, fruit trees or shrubs. great!lift it up At harvest time, you may have more flowers, plants, and vegetables than you can  use. 

Instead of plowing  or filling your friends and family with leftovers from organic gardening, take them to your local farmers market or flea market and sell them. You may have no problem selling it and your wallet may end up  full of money. Pay for your purchases and donate  to your charity "Feed The Children".That way, your hungry child will benefit from your garden long after the fruits are harvested. 

Another great benefit of growing your own organic fruits and vegetables is creating a great school program for your child's school. Help your children and  classmates grow their own vegetable garden. The  lessons they learn  about  the environment, healthy eating and how to support teamwork make learning fun. Also make sure the kids take their produce to the local farmers market or flea market to sell.The proceeds of the sale can be used to buy something. 

This will benefit all  the children in the school. 

This next benefit is one  your kids might not be thinking about, but you might. Here are the  exercise benefits you and your kids can get from gardening. You know  kids these days don't play like you did when you were a kid. Working in the garden for an hour a day  will help you lose weight (burn calories), lower blood pressure, strengthen your heart and lungs, strengthen your muscles and strengthen your mind.Relieve stress and sleep better. final product 

I wish you and the children more happiness and health.

The last benefit you will find when you work with the earth and grow plants is the healing of your soul and spirit. You will feel that happiness when your harvest is big. You can't beat it. You'll know you've done your part to help Mother Nature return to its natural state, and in doing so, you've inspired everyone. 

You have read, the fruits of gardening are not just for you  and your family, but you can  reach  the world.

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